
How Do You Kill Termites?

If you let termites go unchecked, they can cause serious structural damage to your property. They can quickly cause significant damage by chewing through support beams.

Regular termite inspections and treatments can help catch infestations early when they are easier to treat. You won’t only save money, but you’ll also prevent a lot of harm to your home.

What Are Termites?

Termites are social insects that live in large colonies consisting of individuals, known as castes, which play specific roles. The most common types of termites found in the United States include dry wood, subterranean, and Formosan.

Drywood termites live in wood with low moisture content, like structures made from dead trees or furniture. Subterranean termites require contact with soil to survive and build tunnels to access food sources; they are the most widespread type of termite.

Formosan termites are an invasive species native to China and Taiwan; they form even larger colonies than other types and pose a greater risk to man-made structures due to their aggressive behaviour. 

Regardless of their type, all termites share a similar diet. They consume cellulose, the main component of wood and other plant materials. This means that any wooden structures or furniture are at risk of termite damage if left untreated.

In addition to their destructive capabilities, termites also play an important ecological role in the environment by breaking down dead plants and trees and returning nutrients to the soil.

Signs Of Termite Activity

To identify and prevent infestations, it is important to recognize the signs of termite activity. 

Several signs may indicate the presence of termites in your home or on your property:

1. Swarmers:

Termites that have reached reproductive maturity and are prepared to mate and found new colonies are referred to as swarmers.

As they can be seen buzzing around near windows and doors or on the ground outside, termite swarmers are frequently the first indication that a termite infestation is present.

Swarmers have two pairs of wings that are around the same length as their body and are approximately half an inch in length overall. In most cases, they have a colour that is somewhere between black and dark brown.

If you see swarmers within your house, it’s a pretty solid sign that there is a termite colony in the surrounding area.

2. Mud Tubes: 

Mud tubes are tubes that termites construct for themselves out of the soil and their saliva as a kind of self-defence while they are foraging for food and travelling between their nest and the source of the food.

They are typically the first indicator of a termite infestation and can be spotted on the external walls of your home or structures made of wood. Termite mud tunnels can also be found.

As they travel from their nest to a source of food, termites construct mud tunnels to encase themselves in and shield them from dangers such as other animals and the elements.

These tubes are typically about the width of a pencil and can be found on the outer walls of your home or wooden constructions. They may also be found in other places.

If you have an active termite infestation and you find mud tubes on your property, this is a strong indication that they are present.

3. Hollowed Or Damaged Wood: 

Termites consume wood, therefore if you notice any spots in your home that have damage to the wood or that have a hollow sound to them, this could be an indication that you have a termite infestation.

Because termites prefer to consume the softer, interior wood of a structure, you might not notice any obvious damage on the surface.

On the other hand, if you tap on the wood and it sounds hollow, this could be a clue that termites have hollowed out the wood. Termites eat the cellulose in the wood.

Additional symptoms of damage caused by termites include the following:

  • Wood that has splits or gaps in it.
  • Wood that has a pliable or springy texture
  • Paint or wallpaper that has a rough, peeling, or blistering appearance
  • Any piece of wood that has a drooping or bowing appearance

4. Discarded Wings:

Termites that have just recently swarmed and reproduced will frequently drop their wings, which can be found on the ground or in the vicinity of windowsills. You may have a termite infestation if you find little wings piled up in piles near the entrances and windows of your home.

Termites have four wings, each of which is almost the same size as the rest of their body. After mating, they lose their wings to start a new colony and continue their species.

If you find termite wings that have been discarded within your house, this is a strong sign that there is a termite colony in the area.

5. Frass: 

Frass is a substance that resembles sawdust and is produced by termites as they munch their way through the wood.

You may have a termite infestation if you find heaps of frass around wood constructions or in locations where termites are active. Termites produce frass as a waste product.

Termite excrement, wood shavings, and particles of dirt are often the components that makeup frass. Depending on the species of wood that the termites are consuming, the frass’s hue might range from a light brown to an almost black colour.

If you find frass inside your house, it’s a pretty strong sign that termites are already there and eating away at the wood in your structure.

How Do You Kill Termites?

There are a few different approaches to eradicating termites, the most common of which are the use of chemical treatments, baiting systems, and manual removal.

The type of termite, the location of the infestation, and the level of damage will all play a role in determining the strategy that will be the most successful.

The following is a list of some common ways for eliminating termites:

1. Chemical Treatments:

The use of chemical treatments, such as termiticides, is one method for eliminating termites and preventing their further infestation.

The soil around the foundation of your home is treated with these chemicals, or the chemicals can be put directly into the wood in areas where termites are active.

There are primarily two kinds of chemical treatments: repellent and non-repellent. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Non-repellent termiticides are undetectable to termites and are consumed by pests as they pass through treated regions.

Repellent termiticides, on the other hand, generate a barrier that termites are unable to break through.

When utilizing chemical treatments to get rid of termites, it is essential to pay attention to both the instructions provided by the manufacturer and the safety precautions that should be taken.

It is essential to use extreme caution when handling and applying some products because they could potentially be harmful to both humans and animals.

If you are thinking about killing termites with chemical treatments, you should get in touch with a reputable pest control firm first so they can evaluate your property and provide you with treatment.

They have the information and experience necessary to detect the species of termite, as well as the strategy that will be most effective in getting rid of the infestation and safeguarding your property.

2. Baiting Systems: 

Baiting systems are a strategy for controlling termite infestations. These systems employ bait made of wood or cellulose-based material to tempt termites to leave your property rather than feed on it.

After the termites have consumed the bait, they can be eradicated using a poison that takes time to take effect.

Baiting systems, which consist of several bait stations put around the perimeter of your home and are normally installed by a professional pest control firm, are often used to rid homes of pests.

Termites are drawn to the bait stations because they contain cellulose- or wood-based bait made of cellulose. When the termites feed on the bait, they unknowingly consume a poison with a delayed onset that will eventually result in their demise.

When compared to other termite treatment approaches, baiting systems have several distinct advantages. They pose a lower risk of harm to people and animals as compared to chemical treatments, and they have the potential to be more successful in eradicating the entire termite colony.

On the other hand, it may take longer for baiting systems to be effective, and they might not be appropriate for all varieties of termites.

You must get in touch with a reputable pest control firm to have an inspection and treatment performed if you are thinking about employing a baiting system to control an existing termite infestation.

They can assist in determining the most effective strategy to exterminate the infestation and safeguard your home from further damage.

3. Physical Removal:

The termites are dug out of the wood and their nests are destroyed during the physical removal method of termite management, which is a way for reducing the severity of an infestation.

This technique is most useful for addressing less extensive problems, and it is strongly recommended that only a trained expert perform it.

To get rid of termites physically, a pest control professional will use specialized instruments to dig out the termites and their nests. This will accomplish the task.

To be certain that all of the termites have been removed, it may be necessary to remove and replace the wood that has been damaged.

The procedure of physically removing an infestation can be both time-consuming and labour-intensive, and it may not be appropriate for big or widespread infestations.

In addition, probably, you won’t be able to eradicate all of the termites using this method, as some of them might still be hiding in the wood or other parts of your house.

You must get in touch with a reputable pest control firm to have an inspection performed and to receive treatment if you plan on using physical removal as a method for controlling a termite infestation.

They can assist in determining the most effective strategy to exterminate the infestation and safeguard your home from further damage.


It’s important to note that it can be difficult to eliminate a termite infestation, and it may require multiple treatments to effectively control the problem.

If you suspect that you have a termite infestation, it’s important to contact a professional pest control company for an inspection and treatment.

They have the knowledge and expertise to identify the type of termite and determine the best course of action to eliminate the infestation and protect your home.

With proper identification and treatment, termites can be managed effectively. Taking action quickly is the best way to protect your home and property from these destructive pests.